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Welcome to Friends of Nigeria

A gathering place for the U.S. Peace Corps Friends of Nigeria Community

A Temporary Problem - Update

The Friends of Nigeria website piggybacked on a software platform used by the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).  NPCA is in the process of switching to a new platform that would have required FON to switch as well.  Unfortunately, many problems arose during transfer of the FON database to the new platform that could not be corrected in a reasonable amount of time.  Accordingly, the FON board elected to continue with the original platform -- SilkStart.  We are in the process of moving back to SilkStart and expect that a number of arrangements and changes required on our part will be completed by mid-August, in time for our Annual Meeting.  (Please click on the button below -- Our Latest Newsletter -- to read about the upcoming Annual Meeting).  Until the necessary fixes are in place, the processing of dues and donations is uncertain, and we suggest that you disregard the donation option on the website and send your check, payable to Friends of Nigeria, directly to:

Friends of Nigeria
PO Box 23943
Rochester NY 14692-3943

Our History

Friends of Nigeria, founded in 1996, is the alumni association of Peace Corps Volunteers and staff who served in Nigeria, plus volunteers from other organizations such as VSO and CUSO, members of the Nigerian diaspora, and others with an interest in Nigeria. The Friends of Nigeria community has about 1600 living members of whom over 600 support the organization with dues and donations. 

All donations and more than 80% of annual dues are distributed in grants to grass roots organizations in Nigeria.  During the last 15 years, Friends of Nigeria has awarded grants totaling over $380,000 to Nigerian non-profit organizations, principally in the health and education sectors.

Friends of Nigeria publishes a quarterly newsletter and maintains a website — — with information about individual training groups, and photos and stories by RPCVs. We host an annual meeting in conjunction with the annual conference of the National Peace Corps Association, and host Zoom meetings, such as reunions of Nigeria Peace Corps Volunteers who trained together -- check out Training Group News under the Connections menu tab to read about these reunions.  In addition, we maintain a database of RPCVs as well as others who are members, and publish a biennial membership directory.

Friends of Nigeria is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and an affiliate of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).  




NPCA is the nonprofit alumni network at the center of a community of over 220,000 people who share the Peace Corps experience. NPCA champions lifelong commitment to Peace Corps ideals by connecting, engaging and promoting its members and affiliate groups as they continue to make a difference in communities in the U.S. and abroad. NPCA is also dedicated to advocating for, contributing to, and supporting the betterment of the Peace Corps. Visit NPCA to learn more